

Wawrzyniec Kolbusz


Wawrzyniec Kolbusz

Sacred Defence

Sacred Defense, embedded mainly in the post-war reality of the Iraq-Iran war, is a story of producing artificial war images. It traces existing modes of construction of fake war narrations and creates a new, war-related simulation in digitally amended satellite images of nuclear sites. These images make us believe we see the war. We are looking at illusions, however. We see how the war simulacra are being created within different spaces. A permanent film-set, constructed only for the purpose of shooting war movies. Museums mimic the wartime reality in the smallest detail; with wax figures of particular martyrs; and plastic replicas of antipersonnel mines sold as souvenirs.
Amended satellite images of Iranian nuclear sites show mutually exclusive, parallel versions of destruction, caused by a hypothetical Western strike. Buildings destroyed in some images stand intact in others. Author is producing ‘proofs’ of an event that never happened, questioning the media discussion.

Wawrzyniec Kolbusz

In his works, he engages with the topics of simulation, substitution and reference as applied to the phenomenon of how the imagery itself tantalises the viewer. His artistic interest revolves around the hidden or generally unrealised patterns of social, cultural and political behaviour, approached from the conceptual angle. He often uses the aesthetics of minimalistic language to communicate. His works are marked by ambiguity and the relationship between medium and politics. Lives and works in Warsaw.