

Matej Povse


Matej Povse

New Europeans

Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and from some African countries try to reach a safe place to live. Europe looks like a safe place. From Turkey to Greece by boat. From Greece to Macedonia on foot. I have joined them at this point on their long journey. At Greece-Macedonian border the refugees are stopped by army and police. At Macedonia-Serbian border they stand in the rain and mud for hours, just to get a paper, which allows them to cross the state.
Finally before the EU member country Hungary, they have to walk for miles to get to the unofficial camp. Some of them try to avoid officials.
When Hungary closed the border, they have to pass Croatia to reach EU member Slovenia.

Matej Povse

"I am a freelance photographer.  Over the past twenty years my work hasregularly been published in Slovene and foreign media (Newsweek magazine,National Geographic magazine, IHT-International Herald Tribune, National dailynewspapers) I have also worked with photo agencies like Capatv Agency and AP."