

Fiorella Baldisserri

Morris " Il cinemaio"

Cinema has always been Morris Donini's dream. Everyone knows and loves him as Morris the “cinemaio”, the artisan of the cinema.In this year of forced closure due to the pandemic, he decides to keep showing movies in an empty theater, sits on an armchair. He keeps the doors open to allow the inhabitants of the small town to hear the voices of the stories projected, while light come out to send a message: cinema exists, the show goes on.Resilience.Morris and sometimes his dog, as a sole spectator in a moment of great difficulty, with closed cinemas but with rents to be paid, hoping that lights won’t switch off forever.He drew movie theaters on his notebooks since he was a child. It happened he met the owner of a cinema in a small town near city of Bologna (Italy) and from that day Morris kept asking him to be part of that world so that he could live the ambience, including its red velvet fabrics, and the magic screen. When the owner died, Morris have been asked to manage that cinema

Fiorella Baldisserri

Fiorella Baldisserri, classical studies and an interest in art in all its forms, is a photographer from Bologna who loves traveling both by profession and by passion.The professional approach to photography took place in 2016 by attending courses of study of the image and history of photography. She then attended to the Photojournalism Masterclass. Currently Fiorella has seen some shots published by national and international newspapers both in print and online. Photovogue, Corriere, Elle, Erodoto108, SDN, ND, MCmagazine, Witness Journal, Eye of Photography, Exhibition in Olbia Archaeological Museum, Sofia Socialist Museum Lodi, Fotografia Etica for Roma Fotografia Tokyo .Among prizes : IPA, TIFA, MIFA, BIFA Phodar Biennale, Kolga Tbilisi Award, Musa Fotografia, Roma Foto, ASA Project, Italy Ph. Award, Julia Cameron Award, ND Awards, Refocus,Closer, Bresciani VA, Annual PhA. Fiorella is part of the team of photographers of the Parallelozero agency.