

Giorgi Kolbaia


Giorgi Kolbaia

Exploring the Georgian West

Last summer, my partner Elene and I decided to ride towards Georgian west-side on our Piaggio. We made Elene's grandparents' Gurian home ours for the summer, where we observed the couple carry out traditions of harvest that count decades. We watched local kids of port city Poti defeat the summer heat by having a diving competition in the city's "Golden Lake". We strolled along the west coast, witnessing life with sand stuck between our fingernails.

Giorgi Kolbaia

Giorgi Kolbaia is a Georgian photographer and co-founder of “Alikvali”, space for visual arts in Tbilisi. He started working as a freelance photographer in 2015 and since then he has collaborated with numerous local and international magazines, galleries and NGOs, such as Indigo magazine, Landscape Architecture Magazine, Goethe Institute, USAID, etc. His recent article won The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics’ prize for the best photo-reportage.