Ukrainian revolution brought new spirit, people became one organism that fight with a great passion and intensity for happy future.
Euromaidan turned into a real performance, where started the battle of opposites. Good and evil, light and shadow, thick black smoke and whiteness of the February snow. On the revolutionary canvas creepy bloody scenes interwove with incredibly beautiful, from visually side, views. Very often I lost the line between reality and fiction. I forgot the place, time and the cause of what was happening. In one moment the battle scenes reminded terrible days of the previous wars, legends. In another - frosty, fiery battle turned Maidan Nezalezhnosty into a phantasmagoric place.
Euromaidan turned into a real performance, where started the battle of opposites. Good and evil, light and shadow, thick black smoke and whiteness of the February snow. On the revolutionary canvas creepy bloody scenes interwove with incredibly beautiful, from visually side, views. Very often I lost the line between reality and fiction. I forgot the place, time and the cause of what was happening. In one moment the battle scenes reminded terrible days of the previous wars, legends. In another - frosty, fiery battle turned Maidan Nezalezhnosty into a phantasmagoric place.